Our Commitment to You

We've created a new era of dental cover so everyone can maintain great health & smiles for life.


Smile is on a mission to make dental cover more affordable for Australia. As a member of Smile, you too are a part of this challenging and exciting mission. Your support is important as it ensures that we can continue the incredible value and exceptional coverage of Smile. Below we outline our commitment to you, and your commitment to Smile


A. General

  1. You acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms of Use and agree to these Terms of Use in order to enjoy Smile to its fullest.
  2. You agree and understand that you are entering into a binding agreement with Smile by accepting these Terms of Use.
  3. Smile may make changes to these terms of use at any time without notice to ensure that we can continue our mission.

B. Becoming a Member

  1. Prospective members must complete an application and pay an Annual or Biennial Member Fee.
  2. Applications that are completed correctly, paid in full and approved by Smile are honoured and granted Smile dental cover.
  3. You promise that any application information that you submit to Smile is true, accurate, and complete, and you agree to keep it that way at all times.
  4. Smile may require verification of the details you submitted to obtain dental cover in order to best support our members.
  5. Your application may be declined if the details you submitted are false or inadequate.
  6. You must select an account type on your application: Single, Couple, Sole Parent Family or Family.
  7. ‘Single’ dental cover is for one individual over the age of 18 years old.
  8. ‘Couple’ dental cover is two individuals, including two same sex individuals, in a relationship and living at the same residential address.
  9. ‘Sole Parent Family’ dental cover is an individual with dependents up to the age of 24 who are living at the same residential address.
  10. ‘Family’ dental cover is two individuals, including two same sex individuals, in a relationship inclusive of dependents up to the age of 24 and living at the same residential address.
  11. You must be at least 18 years of age to apply to Smile as the Primary Member.
  12. The Primary Member must be the legal owner or an authorised user of any Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or PayPal account being used for payment to Smile.
  13. Smile will notify you via email once your dental cover has commenced.
  14. Receipt of an electronic payment confirmation or other form of confirmation does not signify acceptance of an application.
  15. You will be issued with a Smile card when you become a Smile member and at the commencement of each new billing cycle. Smile cards remain the property of Smile.

C. Coverage

  1. Smile provides dental cover to Smile members.
  2. As a Smile member, you will receive reduced and capped dental fees on treatment performed by Smile dentists.
  3. Smile may, at any time after the receipt of the application, accept or decline your dental cover for any reason.
  4. Your dental cover commences from the date of payment and continues until cancelled by the Primary Member.
  5. You may add or remove individuals to your dental cover in accordance with the “Becoming a Member” section of the Terms of Use above. In doing so, your Annual Cover Fee will immediately be adjusted accordingly.
  6. Your Annual Cover Fee will be charged to you at the commencement of each new billing cycle, and Smile will automatically charge the payment details that you have provided.
  7. It is important that you keep your payment information up to date with us. If your Annual Cover Fee is not paid or is not processed at the end of each billing cycle, your dental cover will be terminated.
  8. Your Smile dental cover cannot be suspended for any period of time.
  9. Your dental cover may be terminated by Smile without providing a refund if you:
    • negotiate with Smile practices to further reduce your dental fees;
    • miss a dental appointment without giving the Smile practice at least 48 hours’ notice;
    • engage in inappropriate behaviour at a Smile practice; or
    • allow an unauthorised user to utilise your Smile dental cover.

D. Cancellation Request

  1. Your dental cover will continue with Smile until you inform us otherwise.
  2. If you wish to cancel your dental cover with Smile, you can do so online by logging in at www.smile.com.au. Your auto-renewal will be disabled when your dental cover has been cancelled.
  3. You must cancel your Smile dental cover at least 5 business days prior to the new billing cycle to cease your continuous coverage.
  4. Once you cancel your Smile dental cover, your dental cover will continue until the end of your current billing cycle.

E. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  1. Only new members are eligible for a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Existing members’ cover upon renewal is not eligible. If you have previously held Smile cover which has since lapsed, you are not eligible for the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee upon renewing your cover.
  2. In order to organise a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, the member must notify the Smile via email at [email protected] within 7 days of joining.
  3. The member must complete a short feedback survey in order to receive a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. This survey will be provided via email once the member notifies Smile that they would like to receive a refund per the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
  4. On the feedback survey, the member will be prompted to provide their Smile account’s nominated email address. If the member fails to do so correctly, including any misspellings, Smile has no responsibility for any administrative delays which may occur in processing that member’s refund.
  5. The 7 day period will commence on the date that the new member joins, and will conclude at 11:59pm on the seventh day. If we don’t hear from the member via email and receive the completed feedback survey within this 7 day period, we will consider the member to be satisfied with their cover and will no longer accept refund requests under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. After more than 7 days have elapsed, if the member wishes to request a refund, please see Section F of our Terms of Use.
  6. The member must comply with the directions of Smile staff in order to facilitate a refund.
  7. Where a member requests a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, the refund will be for the full amount of the cost of your cover. Any dental fees incurred at Smile practices will not be eligible for a refund. Smile has no involvement in the financial management of Smile practices and are unable to intervene in financial disputes.
  8. Once a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is granted, the member’s Smile cover will be terminated. This is regardless of any additional free services which we may provide, such as free months. The member will no longer receive reduced and capped dental fees with Smile dentists, and will no longer be able to access their Smile digital card. Any treatment plans made with Smile fees will no longer be valid. They can expect to be charged the full, regular practice fees for any treatment with Smile dentists.
  9. Smile reserves the right to remove or amend the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee without notice. Rest assured, members will always receive the same terms as those at the time of joining.

F. Refund Request

  1. Refund requests are made by completing and returning a Refund Request Form to Smile. Please contact us if you wish to receive a Refund Request Form.
  2. An administration fee of $24.95 may be incurred for the processing of a refund.
  3. Smile may not accept an application for dental cover from a former member who has sought a refund in the past.
  4. Refunds will only be considered in the following circumstances:
    • where there is no Smile dentist within a 30km radius of the Primary Member at the time of most recent payment to Smile. Evidence of current residential address is required in order for a Refund Request to be processed, or
    • where the Primary Member has joined a Smile health fund partner and has valid health insurance with that health fund which includes dental cover. Evidence of valid health insurance, including dental cover, is required in order for a refund to be processed.
  5. For refunds under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee within 7 days of joining, please see Section E of our Terms of Use.
  6. Members who have sought a refund under the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee will remain eligible to renew their cover in the future, but will not be eligible for another refund under the same guarantee.

G. Protecting Our Members & Partners

In the event that Smile should cease to trade, appoint an administrator, have a liquidator appointed, have a receiver appointed to any or all of its assets or otherwise become insolvent:

  1. Members may continue to obtain services from Smile dentists pursuant to their Smile dental cover for the duration of their dental cover;
  2. Members are not entitled to any refund (whether full or partial) from Smile on account of any unexpired portion of their dental cover;
  3. Members are not entitled to bring any claim against any bank or financial institution which may have provided merchant facilities or financial accommodation to or for the benefit of Smile in respect of any monies they may have paid to Smile, or losses arising, on account of their dental cover; and
  4. Members agree to indemnify and keep harmless, and keep indemnified and harmless, any bank or financial institution which provided merchant facilities or financial accommodation to or for the benefit of Smile in respect of any monies paid to Smile, or losses arising, on account of their dental cover.

H. Your Commitment to Us

  1. You ensure that all application details provided to Smile are correct.
  2. You ensure your email address, payment details, and postal details are kept up to date with Smile.
  3. You can update these details and manage your cover via the Smile app or login via www.smile.com.au
  4. You inform a Smile practice that you are a Smile member when making an appointment.
  5. You present your Smile card to reception upon arrival at a Smile practice.
  6. You do not allow any unauthorised use of your cover by third parties.
  7. You report the loss or theft of your Smile card to Smile.
  8. You ensure that Smile cards are kept securely and in good condition.
  9. Smile dentists and teams are able to ascertain necessary information from the Smile card.

I. Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use and your dealings with Smile are subject to the laws of Queensland, Australia.

Smile has created a new era in dental cover, but we need your help too. With our commitment to each other, we can continue to make dental cover and treatment more affordable for Australia.

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Keep your cover fee low & free from restrictions, keep your dental costs down & visit quality dentists. It's easy: Join from $79 a year, Visit a Smile dentist, & Check Savings with your Smile app!