A strategic advantage designed by dentists for dentists

Looking to spend less time finding patients and more time being a dentist? Partner with Smile and get ahead.

Secure future patient flow

With over 1,000,000 members nationally being directed to our Smile dentists, we’re sure to help you fill up your practice. Plus, as the fastest growing dental cover in Australia, there’s more to come!

Secure future patient flow

Retain more patients

Our members tend to stick around. On average, their loyalty to Smile dentists is over 5 years. Plus, our exceptional dental cover enables greater treatment acceptance by our members.

Retain more patients

Get ahead of the competition

Have a point of difference over your competitors and dominate online with your own customised practice and Smile dentist pages on the most visited dental website in the country.

Get ahead of the competition

4,000+ dentists can’t be wrong

Smile partners with exceptional dental practices that support our mission to make dental cover and dental care more accessible for the people of Australia.

4,000+ dentists can’t be wrong

We’re not scared of a challenge

There are so many reasons why good health and great smiles for life matters. We’ve created a new era in dental cover so everyone can access quality dental care.

Smile dentists are a big part of our mission. We believe that together, we can achieve great health and smiles for life for the people of Australia.

Want to treat our members?

Get information & an application to partner with Smile by clicking below.